Hi, there
I'm Ethan. Creating things is my hobby.
I'm a senior at Mare Island Technology Academy with a passion for data science, design, engineering, leadership, and teaching.
I've been coding since I was 8, I primarily work in Lua, Python, TypeScript, and Rust. I specialize in web development, task automation, and game integrity.
When I'm not programming, I'm either hanging out with friends, running, going to the gym or playing a video game. Currently, I'm a team member specializing in the iPad fleet at Chick-fil-A.
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2023 ----
Portfolio website
I created this portfolio to showcase some of my previous works (mainly because it was a requirement in one of the studios I contracted for.)
Associated Student Body point of sale
Dead simple point of sale I built for my school's government. This project allowed student-run fundraisers to use card payments to sell items using the payment processor "Stripe."
Associated Student Body random work
In addition, I helped redesign many of the internal forms we used to keep track of funds with the help of two other students.
A.G.C.U., or "Automatic Grade Checking Utility," is a program I wrote for my school's athletics department to streamline the process of athlete grade checks (for context, we had over 100). Super simple web U.I. that used an Aeries login flow to get the grades and mail them to the coaches with configurable thresholds.
2022 ----
MITA Athletics Department website
Using WordPress, I designed barebones websites to showcase the basketball & baseball teams at my school. The website, while simple, was a huge improvement over the previous website, which was a single page with a few links to other pages.
Placing Something
Exactly as the name suggests, you rank, or "place," something. After watching the movie "The Social Network" (2010), I took inspiration from the project. I wanted to gamify the process of ranking things. I built a simple web app allowing users to rank things and see the results in real-time. The game divides itself into two globally synced timers across all clients: the add something stage and the place something stage.
Visualizing unstructured data using machine learning
This sounds like buzzwords, but it was a (mostly) simple project. Using OpenAI's embeddings model, I recursively compared each string of unstructured feedback data against all others, forming a graph of similar feedback. I then used Google Cloud Scripts to visualize the data in Google Sheets. (Code available on my GitHub)
MITA English Department work
As I did for our A.S.B., I also designed several educational documents for students in grades 9-12th in the English department.
Contracted project: "Lucent"
For a Roblox game, this was my third contracted project at F.F.T.L., codenamed "Lucent" (because everything at that company is light-themed). It was an internal tooling suite that allowed their international and outsourced moderators to moderate the game in a highly intuitive web interface remotely. It handles over one thousand requests a minute and is still in use today. I am still the sole maintainer of the project.
Six Flags forms
NOT OFFICIALLY USED. But one day when I was opening Primo's Pizzeria (a restaurant at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom), I noticed that the forms we used to keep track of our inventory were a little hard to read. I redesigned them for fun and showed them to my supervisor, and that was about it.
2021 ----
I help build and maintain a Roblox game called "Eclipsis" with a team of three other developers. The original team released the game in January 2017, and it has been played by over fourteen million people over six years. I was moved up to a senior game developer in February 2023 after working my third year working on it as a game developer.
Discord bot
I also made many Discord bots for fun during the 2020 lockdowns because I was bored. Too many to list here (and a lot of them were lost when my old computer broke).
Feel free to contact me for work or any questions you may have. I am currently employed part-time at Chick-fil-A, however I am looking for a summer internship, and am open to any opportunities.